Thursday, December 15, 2011

Sorry I neglected you Blog...

well.... my life finally caught up to me and with the Holidays here I have TOTALLY neglected my little blog. Sorry! Maybe it will be my new years resolution to try and write on here more often! (better than the weight loss thing right?) Speaking of that... I never finished telling you about my 30 day cleanse!

Paleo lifestyle has TOTALLY changed me... for the better! I am down to 144.5 as of today and my goal is now to reach 140. For those of you that are following.. thats about 13lbs! 4.5 more to go! I am on month 5 of eating this way and feel like I have a whole new outlook on food.

So, what's new you ask? I started spending time on my photography page and had so much interest that it has become a bit of a side job! I am loving every second of it! Here is the link if you want to check it out...

Here are a couple of my favorites from the past month...

I have more people signed up for January and I can't wait to share!